Conference > Posters session

ADAMS S. Out of the Shade: Plant Remains and Wood Charcoal from the Rural ‘Dark Age’ Site of Dando Close, Wollaston


BÄHR V., EICHHORN B., GUMNIOR M., RÖPKE A. Burnt structures on the Bernstorf hill (Upper Bavaria, Germany) - an integrated research


BARBIER-PAIN D., RUAS M.-P., CORBINEAU R., DUCHESNE S., TELMON N., COLLETER R. Archaeobotanical results from the Jacobins’ Convent at Rennes (Brittany, France)


BENATTI A., BOSI G., MARIA MERCURI A., BAL M.-C., ALLEE P., RINALDI R., MONTECCHI M. C., LABATE D. Charcoals and other archaeobotanical records of two Roman sites of Modena's area (N-Italy) in a multiproxy approach 


BOSI G., ROTTOLI M., CASTIGLIONI E., MAZZANTI M. Archaeobotanical evidences of food plants in Northern Italy during the Medieval and Renaissance Periods


CAPPARELLI A., MANGE E., CIAMPAGNA M. L., PRATES L. Hunter gatherer archaeobotany of a mortuary context in Patagonia (Cueva Galpón, Argentina): artefactual, carpological, anthracological and otherplant macro-remains from ca.3300 BP


DE VAREILLES SOMMIÈRES A. The development and spread of Neolithic crop agriculture in the Western Balkans


FILIPOVIĆ D., OBRADOVIĆ D. Exploring variations in crop storage and discard practices across Neolithic sites in Serbia


FORNACIARI R., ARRU L., MERCURI A. M., DI LERNIA S. Multidisciplinary analysis of wild cereals from the Holocene archaeological site of Takarkori (central Sahara) 


FUKS D., WEISS E., BAR-OZ G. Reconstructing the agricultural system of the Byzantine Negev (Israel)


GARCĺA-GRANERO J. J., BOGAARD A., UREM-KOTSOU D., KOTSOS S., HATZAKI E. The CUISINE project. An innovative approach for the study of culinary practices in past societies


HÄNNINEN K., OUT W. A., LARSEN J. H., VERMEEREN C. Branch age and diameter to detect woodland management: new developments


HERBIG C., KAISER J., MANSCHUS G. Not gone with the fire. Charred cereal food remains from Lusatian Culture (Lausitzer Kultur) burials at Niederkaina (Lkr. Bautzen, Saxony) (1400-500 calBC)


KARATHANOU A., VALAMOTI S. M. Exploring intra-settlement use of space in Late Bronze Age Greece: preliminaryobservations on the archaeobotanical visibility of storage and disposal strategies during the late 2nd millennium BC in the Aegean


KINGWELL-BANHAM E. Wet rice/dry rice. Identifying rice cultivation systems in South Asia


KOTSACHRISTOU D. Final report on the analysis of charred plant remains from the Late Neolithic and Bronze Ageriverside site of Longas Elatis in western Macedonia, northern Greece


LODWICK L. 100+ years of Archaeobotany: Late Iron Age and Roman Silchester


MARTÍNEZ A., LEMA V., CAPPARELLI A., BARTOLI C., LÓPEZ ANIDO F., PEREZ S. Multidisciplinary studies in squash (C. maxima) domestication through experimental, physiological and archaeobotanical approaches


NICÁS PERALES J., LÓPEZ M. L., GONZÁLEZ A. The archaeobotanical remains of the Ermita de Santa Potenciana site (Jaen, Spain). First results


OBRADOVIĆ Ð. Storage practice and problems with pests. Late Neolithic site of Selevac, Serbia


PETŐ Á., KENÉZ Á., LISZTES-SZABÓ Z., SALÁTA D., MOLNÁR D., SKUTAI J. Integrating macro- and micro-archaeobotanical proxies to activity area analysis of semi-subterranean buildings. An Early Iron Age (EIA-Hallstatt culture) case study from the Carpathian Basin.


PETŐ Á., KENÉZ Á., LISZTES-SZABÓ Z., SRAMKÓ G., LACZKÓ L., MOLNÁR M., BÓKA G. The first archaeobotanical evidence of Lagenaria siceraria from the territory of Hungary


PINAUD-QUERRAC'H R., ROVIRA N., BEYLIER A., HOWARTH L., GAILLEDRAT E. La Monédière (Bessan, Hérault, France), archaeological fruit and seed remains


RINALDI R., BOSI G., TRIOLO C., BANDINI MAZZANTI M., MARCHESINI M., GUARNIERI C. Archaeobotanical research in Classe (Ravenna - Italy)


RISO F. M., BOSI G., RINALDI R., LABATE D., VANIN S. Archaeobotanical remains and funerary rituals fromthe agro Mutiniense necropolis (1st-4th cent. AD)


ROS J., RUIZ-ALONSO M., GILOTTE S. Agriculture and wood management in Islamic Extremadura (Spain)


ROTTOLI M., FANETTI D., BOSI G., CASTIGLIONI E. The agriculture in Northern Italy during Iron Age: a review


RÜHL L., STOBBE A. Wet preservation in a semi-arid environment - well features from the Bronze Age Sintasha settlement Kamennyi Ambar (Russia) as multidisciplinary archives


STEINER B. L., ANTOLÍN F., VACH W., JACOMET S. Basic methodological research on waterlogged sediments


STELLATI A., FIORENTINO G. Food strategies and supplies: inferring crop provenience from carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis


STYLIANAKOU C., VALAMOTI S. M. Plant remains from Neolithic site of Kleitos, Northern Greece


ZERL T. Crop processing and storage of surpluses. The importance of cereals in Bronze Age and Iron Age settlementsin the Lower Rhine Basin (North Rhine Westphalia, Germany)

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