Welcome to the homepage of the 17th conference of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany that will take place in Paris from the 4th to the 9th of July 2016.
The event will welcome almost 250 scholars and students from 35 different countries in the National Museum for Natural History (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle) in Paris.
Besides lectures that will take place in the Great Amphitheatre (GAM) and in the auditorium of the Evolutionary Gallery (GGE), poster sessions will be organised in the building of Entomology and laboratory sessions in a classroom just nearby (see attached plan).
Programs for oral and poster presentations can be downloaded below and will also be distributed to participants at arrival.
The reception desk will be open on Sunday afternoon (2-5 pm) in the hall of the GGE and during the week in the GAM-building.
For security reasons suitcases and other large pieces of luggage cannot be stored in the conference halls.
During the conference week, there are several botanical events in the Jardin des Plantes with surroundings that might be of interest to participants. In the Historical Cabinet of the Natural History Museum an exhibition on « Botanical adventures in the Near East » is on display in association with a larger exhibition at the Institut du Monde Arabe entitled « Jardins d’Orient de l’Alhambra au Taj Mahal » (www.imarabe.org/exposition/jardins-d-orient). On the fences of one of the alleys in the Jardin de Plantes are exposed reproductions of orchids from the 17th-19th century collections of the Museum. Finally, there will be the possibility, during lunch breaks, for a limited number of participants to attend short (30-40 minutes) guided tours in the Jardin des Plantes and in the Herbarium collections. Inscriptions for these activities will be possible at the reception desks.
The organising committee is much looking forward to welcome the international community of archaeobotanists in Paris for a week that will be rich in scientific exchanges.
Soyez les bienvenus !
Contact: iwgp2016@mnhn.fr
Oral presentations
Poster session
![IWGP_comite_HP_1.jpg IWGP_comite_HP_1.jpg](conference/iwgp2016paris/pages/IWGP_comite_HP_1.jpg)